Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's okay if you...

Life is flying by and time is a commodity that we can never get back. With that being said (ladies), it's okay if you:
1) Skip getting a pedicure during the winter time. It's too cold to wear open-toed shoes, so why not save money and just keep them little piggies covered up.
2) Have a chipped manicure because you are too lazy to get them done. I for one am so impatient. Getting pampered is fun and all, but I'm always in a rush, thinking about the things I need to get done. So, I'll go nailpolish free or just rock the less than perfect manicure.
3)Get an oil change way after the "recommended" change date. Really I think you can go over the 3k mark. My car still works perfectly and I never get my oil changed on time.
4)Use the carpool lane to cut-off a slow driver. Now I'm not recommending breaking the law, but if you're going 55mph, your'e just being a jerk and deserve to be cut-off, flipped the bird, and my windshield wiper fluid on your car window. Whoops, my windows needed cleaning after you ate my dusk!
5)Don't load the dishwasher because you are too lazy. Life is busy, it won't kill you to leave a dish in the sink.
6)Watch the "Notebook" everytime it's that time of the month and still cry everytime. That Ryan Gosling is hot!
7)Secretly watch those mind-dumbing reality shows. It's good too know that Snooki is getting drunk again and see what JLo is wearing on American Idol.
8)Ask your husband to take out the trash and by the way "can you feel up my car with gas?" It's cold pumping gas and I hate touching the gas tank.
9)Call your mom every night. It's the least we can do, we were pain in the a**** we know.
10)Buy shoes because they are pretty. Even though we have three pairs that almost look excatly the same.Our weights constantly change, but our shoe sizes always stay the same. You can wear a cute pair of heels at any size!

Basically, I'm saying give yourself a break ladies! Don't be too hard on yourself, no ones perfect. The work never ends and we are not superwoman. Perfection stinks anyone. Our imperfections is what makes us uniquely beautiful!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbye to a friend...

I know this year I said I was purging anything that wasn't adding value or positive energy to my life. With that said I got rid of two friends. Both I met when I first moved to Vegas and both I have gone above and beyond to help. I'm sure we've all had those relationships where we felt we were giving more than we were receiving, but for some reason this goes unnoticed or maybe even the other party thinks that they were entitled to praise for their "contribution." Lets call the first friend X1. X1 pretty much felt like everyone was out to get him and his constant paranoia served him right. He was taking money (my tax money, might I add), while running an under-the-table business. Cash only! My husband and I also gave him a place to stay for 6 months while he was having financial issues-RENT and UTILTY FREE! He didn't give us a dime, but he sure did quickly forget about all the time we helped him move from those weekly rent hotels, every time he got booted out because of his attitude problem. Of course we didn't mind being woken up at 3 am in the morning, while he was plastered drunk, and yelling how everyone is out to get him. Anyways, that toxic relationship that I'm glad has ended is dunzo! X1 is out of my life and I have never felt better to do away with it.

X2-another user. Las Vegas is full of many hungry people ready to step on anyones toes or find away to benefit anyway they can. It's true! It's very hard to find precious gems in a sea of hard cut rocks. Vegas is a hustling city and believe me everyone has their undercover hustle. X2 tried to get EVERYTHING for free. Always asking for rides (even though he had his own, the problem was he was uninsured and his gas tank was empty), asking for money, and trying to get hand me outs from my store. He had a good heart, but money was always his main motivation and he would step on his girlfriend, step on his friends and family, and would step on his own mother's back as a stepping stool to reach a dollar that was out of reach. So I cut him out of my life and have no regrets. I should have done it sooner. I didn't realize how much stress he was actually imposing on me until I let go of the friendship. Great call!

My third friend is not and ex-friend, he is an ex-human being. "Brownie," a clown all around, married, father of two took his life on January 24, 2010-he was 30. Brownie got into a fight with his wife and she later walked into their master bedroom to find him hanging from a light fixture from the ceiling. My initial response was shock, followed by sadness and then I was angry. How could he do this? We've all felt like life was too painful to live at least onetime in our lives, but we never acted on it. Or maybe some of us did? and weren't successful at it, in turn it gave us a greater appreciation for our lives.

Brownie was cremated and this is an awful thing to witness. His mother fainted from the sight of her son's coffin entering the incinerator. I watched in horror and then turned away like a coward, weeping on  my friend's shoulder. That shoulder I cried on had a look of anger an disbelief. His wife cried out loudly, practically jumping in after the coffin. After it was done I was left with the feeling of emptiness and I had to find my bearings. I just seen him close up when I laid incense and a candle on his perfectly still body and stared at his face all covered in badly done makeup. I half expected him to wake up and say "just kidding!" But he didn't and so I walked away and wept. His soul was gone, but his body remained and now nothing was left but ashes...


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Rest Day?

Sunday is supposed to a day of relaxation and little to moderate activity right? Well this is what my husband and I planned for this year. Unfortunately, we are having trouble keeping to this schedule, but that doesn't mean our Sunday's isn't fun nor the least bit exciting.

We start off our day at 11am! 11am!!!! Well, actually, my husband starts his day at 11am and I start mine at 9am-which really is a luxury for me. I go over and plan my schedule for the upcoming week. It starts with the basics like this: 

6am- Wake up and eat 4 almonds (my body could only have this much food in it. Sounds insane, but believe me I am far from the anorexic model, despite my slim exterior)
7am-2 hour workout consisting of everything. Ballet with kickboxing. Weights and running and for fun dancing.
9am- Wake up son and get him ready for school and me ready for work. I take only 30 minutes tops. It's amazing and am quite proud of myself for this skill. 5 minute shower, 15min of hair, 10min of makeup, clothes are picked out the night before because I spend 30min to 1 hour deciding this. So, it's only logical I make the decision the night prior as not to waste time in the morning.
930-10am- Drop son off at school.
10am-1030am-Arrive at work and jump right in running my own business PostNet.
12pm- My attention turns towards some school work. At this point I am multi-tasking. Work, schoolwork, finishing up papers, and turning in assignments, all in between tending to customers and dealing with business calls.
3pm- This is the time I get anxious. I'm mentally fried, so I indulge in a snicker or take a walk to Starbucks to get a decaffeinated beverage (I'm highly sensitive to caffeine) and a blueberry scone. I come back and check e-mail and Facebook. Keep in mind though, I do not super-human strength and discipline-I have checked my e-mail and Facebook 100 times already throughout the day.
4pm- Pick son up from school.
430pm-Return back to work.
6pm-Close store and go home.
630pm-At home with husband and child in tow. We eat dinner (sometimes I cook, but really I'm lazy most of the time) and watch TV. I have no idea what's on TV, so my husband usually takes control and we watch FOX. I get mad and tell him my mind is friend and he, without a fight, relinquishes control of the remote (I do work all day and he gets to stay home and work on his future business plans via the internet, so it's only fair).
730-9pm- I watch some reality garbage on TV while working on Physique 2.0 (my personal training business) and work on school work. We watch Glenn Bleck at 8pm though. No, I'm not a raging conservative, but a Libertarian. 
10pm-Put son to bed (on a good night) and schedule things in for the next day.

This is only a partial, not set in stone, constantly changing schedule. Keep in mind this is a nice relaxing day, with no class, appointments, or other life errands I have to do. Ahhh isn't life peaceful!

Anyways, today we watched football! My favorite! I have said this season that I was rooting for the "Cheeseheads-" The Green Bay Packers! They win today and I am ecstatic and tell my husband that if he gets  us into a good Superbowl party (we live in Las Vegas), then he can forgo any Valentine's present! He's on board. This makes it easier on him, because he doesn't have to think of something new or find the perfect present, after 6 years of marriage things still have to be unique and spectacular. So in his eyes this is a no brainer. We have friends that own a sports betting business, so as you can see the works already done for him. 

By 6pm we are on our 3rd movie. We watched "Tangled," a modern spin on Repunzel! The Hulk with Edward Norton. There's a scene where he is about to jump out of the helicopter to morph into the Hulk again and he gives Liz Tyler a goodbye kiss. I had a special relationship like that before, when you kiss someone and it feels like the movies and you feel like you're falling, only to find out that even the deepest love doesn't mean you're meant to be together. (That's another blog, for another Sunday;P) 

I plan to get ready for bed by 8pm. I have a training session at 6am. Oh loooovvee! So it brings me to ask: When does it slow down and does it ever get any easier? Keep in mind I left out the dramas of family and friends. That's also another story for another Sunday. This makes me think the older we get the wider our selection of pharmaceuticals in our medicine cabinet gets. I think this is funny! As you can see I have no shame in this, nor does my circle of entrepreneur friends. But, that does make me think of a new New Year resolution and that is: besides being KIND to myself, I want to get away from the anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, insomnia, etc/ medicines and find a more organic way of dealing with these little pains in life. Hmmm... note to blog idea-"This Pill Popping Nation!" 


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time-The Greatest Gift You Can Give Me

to give I am so happy to start a new year because 2010 was such a testing time. I practically lived in the hospital with my husband, while he was waiting 9 months to get a matching heart for a heart transplant. I have a greater appreciation for him, my family, people, and most importantly myself. I have broken down so many times last year, in fear of losing my husband. Last year has shown me how strong I am and that time is of the essence. My attitude towards life has been pretty much blase, but now I thank God for every single second that he allows me to live. I went through a horrible fight with depression-while my husband was suffering physically, I was suffering mentally. Most people would say that they wouldn't change anything in their life because it makes them who they are today. But, to be completely honest I would prefer not to relive that experience of not knowing where my life was going. Sure I built a tougher character, but the pain and depression almost killed me and I'm just proud of myself for getting through it. So, for this new year all I wish is for my health and my families good health. I learned to say "I love you" to family and friends often and to express all the time my feeling towards anyone who means something to me. I even have compassion to strangers, taking caution to be mindful and kind to others. Mostly I've learned to be kind to myself. 

So this new year is not to lose 5 pounds or to become a millionaire, but to not be so hard on myself and to be forgiving to myself and people in general. My resolution is to have a positive attitude and to be brave, good values, honor my principles and value my life. I want to be healthy emotionally and mentally and be the best B I can be, 

So cheers everyone and be kind to yourself!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snowing in the Desert!

Two days ago my family and I woke up to a wonderful surprise...SNOW! Las Vegas is known for its flip-flop (slippers) melting, scorching hot summer. But, what a nice way to start the New Year to wake up to little snowflakes falling down, leaving a white blanket of snow. We had four inches total and my neighbors and my family took advantage by making snow angels and snowmen in front of our homes. Snow in the desert, is a funny contradiction, but one that was greatly appreciated and left everyone in a childish mood. I went to work with a smile on my face, giddy about how fresh and white our city looked. Don't get me wrong I would not want to live in a place where snow was the constant status-quo, but I was delighted to feel like I lived (even if it was for one day) in a place where I could have a snowball fight with the hubby!
