Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Rest Day?

Sunday is supposed to a day of relaxation and little to moderate activity right? Well this is what my husband and I planned for this year. Unfortunately, we are having trouble keeping to this schedule, but that doesn't mean our Sunday's isn't fun nor the least bit exciting.

We start off our day at 11am! 11am!!!! Well, actually, my husband starts his day at 11am and I start mine at 9am-which really is a luxury for me. I go over and plan my schedule for the upcoming week. It starts with the basics like this: 

6am- Wake up and eat 4 almonds (my body could only have this much food in it. Sounds insane, but believe me I am far from the anorexic model, despite my slim exterior)
7am-2 hour workout consisting of everything. Ballet with kickboxing. Weights and running and for fun dancing.
9am- Wake up son and get him ready for school and me ready for work. I take only 30 minutes tops. It's amazing and am quite proud of myself for this skill. 5 minute shower, 15min of hair, 10min of makeup, clothes are picked out the night before because I spend 30min to 1 hour deciding this. So, it's only logical I make the decision the night prior as not to waste time in the morning.
930-10am- Drop son off at school.
10am-1030am-Arrive at work and jump right in running my own business PostNet.
12pm- My attention turns towards some school work. At this point I am multi-tasking. Work, schoolwork, finishing up papers, and turning in assignments, all in between tending to customers and dealing with business calls.
3pm- This is the time I get anxious. I'm mentally fried, so I indulge in a snicker or take a walk to Starbucks to get a decaffeinated beverage (I'm highly sensitive to caffeine) and a blueberry scone. I come back and check e-mail and Facebook. Keep in mind though, I do not super-human strength and discipline-I have checked my e-mail and Facebook 100 times already throughout the day.
4pm- Pick son up from school.
430pm-Return back to work.
6pm-Close store and go home.
630pm-At home with husband and child in tow. We eat dinner (sometimes I cook, but really I'm lazy most of the time) and watch TV. I have no idea what's on TV, so my husband usually takes control and we watch FOX. I get mad and tell him my mind is friend and he, without a fight, relinquishes control of the remote (I do work all day and he gets to stay home and work on his future business plans via the internet, so it's only fair).
730-9pm- I watch some reality garbage on TV while working on Physique 2.0 (my personal training business) and work on school work. We watch Glenn Bleck at 8pm though. No, I'm not a raging conservative, but a Libertarian. 
10pm-Put son to bed (on a good night) and schedule things in for the next day.

This is only a partial, not set in stone, constantly changing schedule. Keep in mind this is a nice relaxing day, with no class, appointments, or other life errands I have to do. Ahhh isn't life peaceful!

Anyways, today we watched football! My favorite! I have said this season that I was rooting for the "Cheeseheads-" The Green Bay Packers! They win today and I am ecstatic and tell my husband that if he gets  us into a good Superbowl party (we live in Las Vegas), then he can forgo any Valentine's present! He's on board. This makes it easier on him, because he doesn't have to think of something new or find the perfect present, after 6 years of marriage things still have to be unique and spectacular. So in his eyes this is a no brainer. We have friends that own a sports betting business, so as you can see the works already done for him. 

By 6pm we are on our 3rd movie. We watched "Tangled," a modern spin on Repunzel! The Hulk with Edward Norton. There's a scene where he is about to jump out of the helicopter to morph into the Hulk again and he gives Liz Tyler a goodbye kiss. I had a special relationship like that before, when you kiss someone and it feels like the movies and you feel like you're falling, only to find out that even the deepest love doesn't mean you're meant to be together. (That's another blog, for another Sunday;P) 

I plan to get ready for bed by 8pm. I have a training session at 6am. Oh loooovvee! So it brings me to ask: When does it slow down and does it ever get any easier? Keep in mind I left out the dramas of family and friends. That's also another story for another Sunday. This makes me think the older we get the wider our selection of pharmaceuticals in our medicine cabinet gets. I think this is funny! As you can see I have no shame in this, nor does my circle of entrepreneur friends. But, that does make me think of a new New Year resolution and that is: besides being KIND to myself, I want to get away from the anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, insomnia, etc/ medicines and find a more organic way of dealing with these little pains in life. Hmmm... note to blog idea-"This Pill Popping Nation!" 


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