Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's okay if you...

Life is flying by and time is a commodity that we can never get back. With that being said (ladies), it's okay if you:
1) Skip getting a pedicure during the winter time. It's too cold to wear open-toed shoes, so why not save money and just keep them little piggies covered up.
2) Have a chipped manicure because you are too lazy to get them done. I for one am so impatient. Getting pampered is fun and all, but I'm always in a rush, thinking about the things I need to get done. So, I'll go nailpolish free or just rock the less than perfect manicure.
3)Get an oil change way after the "recommended" change date. Really I think you can go over the 3k mark. My car still works perfectly and I never get my oil changed on time.
4)Use the carpool lane to cut-off a slow driver. Now I'm not recommending breaking the law, but if you're going 55mph, your'e just being a jerk and deserve to be cut-off, flipped the bird, and my windshield wiper fluid on your car window. Whoops, my windows needed cleaning after you ate my dusk!
5)Don't load the dishwasher because you are too lazy. Life is busy, it won't kill you to leave a dish in the sink.
6)Watch the "Notebook" everytime it's that time of the month and still cry everytime. That Ryan Gosling is hot!
7)Secretly watch those mind-dumbing reality shows. It's good too know that Snooki is getting drunk again and see what JLo is wearing on American Idol.
8)Ask your husband to take out the trash and by the way "can you feel up my car with gas?" It's cold pumping gas and I hate touching the gas tank.
9)Call your mom every night. It's the least we can do, we were pain in the a**** we know.
10)Buy shoes because they are pretty. Even though we have three pairs that almost look excatly the same.Our weights constantly change, but our shoe sizes always stay the same. You can wear a cute pair of heels at any size!

Basically, I'm saying give yourself a break ladies! Don't be too hard on yourself, no ones perfect. The work never ends and we are not superwoman. Perfection stinks anyone. Our imperfections is what makes us uniquely beautiful!


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