Saturday, December 25, 2010

LA for Christmas 2010

So for Christmas, my husband and I decided to take a family trip to Los Angeles, California! Now I thought this would be a great idea to trade in Sin City for Plasti-City!
Not the greaest idea for a Christamas Vacation. Time with the family was incredible, but the LA traffic almost made me become a bike riding conformist! Now don't get me wrong I am a born and raised Caifornia girl, but Nor-Cal has far less traffic and there are far less walking cows (people who believe they have an imaginary force field around them)in that crowded place. I live in Vegsa now, but there is a reason why I stay away from the Casino strip on the weekends and big holidays. Why the hell would I think LA would be any different? To get to my sister-in-laws, boyfriend's over-priced, but quite elegant place, we had to walk four blocks, because of the lack of parking! I mean whos great idea was it to build homes with no parking? Come on Cali-not everyone is a "save the damn tree,tree-hugger!" Another thing that I find so mixed up about Cali is- that marijuana is practically legal! Make up your mind! Mind as well legalize it, if every stoner wants to light up a joint and share the love with every person he encounters. As a matter of fact, this was like a pick up line for most boys: "Hey you are so beautiful, want a hit?" Thank goodness I live 20 miles away from the strip and valet driver's are actually hunky chipendales and not some "im going to be famous one day" pimple-faced valet boy!


Xoxo, B

                    So this is the set of "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!" My husband couldn't resist.
                                                     AT SHILOH"S IN BEVERLEY HILLS
                                                              El Seguenda RV PArk.
So here are some pics of me and my sis. My healthy husband with his new transplants heart-looking healthier and the most alive I've seen him. We had dinner at Shiloh and I had a nice back to reality moment with my son. I love getting caught up in those moments, when you see what you are here for, The happiness and growth of your children and the bonds between families, I will expand more on this, But keep checking in for my struggles I have been faced with this year. It will be heart-breaking and maybe some will be able to relate. Happy Holidays:)
Being B-xoxox

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